Chapter 0378: Breakthrough under Pressure - Golden Core Middle Stage Artifact Refinement!_1

"Don't worry, I've been yearning for you to start cultivating too!" Lv Zhong chuckled and replied.

Indeed, Ao Ye possessed the real [Void Fox Mei Body], an uncommon physique for cultivation.

Ordinary people might not recognize this attribute, but any well-grounded Cultivator would undoubtedly identify it.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have caught the attention of those from Yuxu Palace.

Moreover, Lv Zhong possessed a miraculous Cultivation Technique named [Yin-Yang Harmony Path]. This was a top-grade technique for dual cultivation of life forces.

Lv Zhong planned to focus on this method, naturally wanting to find partners with exceptional attributes to dual cultivate. And Ao Ye, endowed with a [Void Fox Mei Body], was an ideal choice.

Listening to Lv Zhong's affirmation, joy filled Ao Ye's stunning face. In the tender moment, she couldn't help but wrap her arm around Lv Zhong's, leaning by his side, quietly watching the clouds flash by beneath them.
