Chapter 0384: Seeking Trash Turns into Seeking Death_1

The dinner arranged by Xue Xiong took place at Jiangnan Chun Hotel.

Jiangnan Chun Hotel is a newly opened luxury hotel this year, not far from Yaxiang Medical College, just a couple of miles away.

The hotel, being close to the Xiangjiang River, has signed contracts at high prices with many fishermen and receives a lot of river-fresh produce from them. Combined with seafood and game obtained through stable channels, and the involvement of top-tier chefs...

These elements made the business of Jiangnan Chun Hotel incredibly booming.

As Lv Zhong and the rest arrived at Jiangnan Chun Hotel by car, they were shocked to find that the hotel's parking lot was already filled with various small cars. Even the sides of Xiangjiang Avenue were overwhelmed with vehicles.

Looking at the bustling scene near the Jiangnan Chun Hotel, Lv Zhong clicked his tongue, "People live to eat! This is quite a profitable business, the restaurant industry."