Chapter 0516 Lv Zhong's Secret is Exposed_1

Shaking his head slightly, Lei Xiaoyun felt a tinge of apprehension towards He Qiu in his heart.

"Since you all have unveiled your trump cards, I, Lei Xiaoyun, should not show my weakness." With a cold chuckle in his heart, Lei Xiaoyun suddenly released his spiritual sense. From within his space ring, a huge number of thunder charms flashed out, arranging itself in the sky to form a super array entirely made up of thunder charms.

Although Lei Xiaoyun's array formation skills were abysmal as compared to He Qiu and Mu Yue Wu Shuang, he still possessed considerable cultivation when it came to the application of his sect's charm arrays.

The thunder charms in the sky were suspended by a mysterious force, making the entire sky appear incredibly dazzling in blue.

"Converge, Thousand Thunder Charms, join, Ninefold Divine Thunder-"

Lei Xiaoyun roared, his entire spiritual consciousness split into nine strands, guiding nearly a thousand thunder charms to form nine super thunders.