Chapter 5 Who Else!

The day ended with revision and exams. Of course, Su Ran did not forget to hand over the answers to Wang Dazhuang and Liu Yina at the back of the classroom.

Soon, it was time to end school. Su Ran's heart had already flown out of the classroom. Just as he was about to leave, Liu Yina grabbed him.

"Su, why are you in such a hurry?" Liu Yina giggled, rapidly blinking at Su Ran.

"Uh... I need to…" Su Ran was apologetic for the first time, but before he could finish, Han Siying, who was elegantly packing her books, interrupted him.

"Purchase the cabin online, get a 10% discount, a free bucket of Nutrient Solution, door-to-door service, payment after installation."

Han Siying calmly finished and gracefully left.

Well, Han Siying was thoughtful. When Su Ran was critically ill last time, several classmates and teachers from his class had visited him at home, including Han Siying, who had remembered his home address.

"Xi! Darling, what are you waiting for? Go home and pay!" Liu Yina giggled: "I'll play too before long. Teach me then, master Su! Hey, wait for me, goddess, carpool!"

Watching Liu Yina dash out clumsily, Su Ran was left speechless. Soon, he noticed that Lin Yuqing was behaving abnormally, she was silently packing her books and didn't say a word.

"What's wrong?" Su Ran was puzzled.

"Hey!" At this moment, Wang Dazhuang, Su Ran's classmate in front of him, turned back, and said to Su Ran, "Buddy, you're great! Bro, I copied all the answers! Also, I'm also playing Legend of Heroes, known as 'Handsome Even with a Face Full of Pimples' in game! Well, it's just a game nickname, a level 30 account! I'll cover you! Hahaha~"

"You better think about how to explain to the teacher how you achieved full marks first…" Su Ran reminded him, "Also, there was an extra question, a total of 120 points."

"What! Is that so?!" Wang Dazhuang was stunned, and then with a gloomy face, he said to Su Ran, "Su, Su bro, Su God... what should I do? You can't just stand by and watch me die!"

"There is a way." Su Ran glanced sidelong at Wang Dazhuang.

"Sir, say it!" Wang Dazhuang seemed to have gotten a fan out of nowhere, he fanned himself and sidled up to Su Ran with a flattering gesture.

"When you get home, don't play games, study and memorize these questions to prepare for the teacher's inspection."

"Recite? Oh God!" Wang Dazhuang sank down on the chair: "Just kill me! The test paper has already been collected, even if you beat me to death, I won't be able to memorize it!"

"After coming out of school, turn left for 100 meters, go to the Xinhua Bookstore to buy the 326th edition of the practice papers, specifically page 16. There are a total of 51 questions; fill in the blank questions are not hard to memorize."

"Thank you! Thank you, dear bro Su Ran!" Wang Dazhuang was so delighted that he just ran off.

"Puff!" Lin Yuqing next to him couldn't help laughing: "You are such a devil, once you come out of school and turn left, it's a public toilet…"

"Oh? Did I say it wrong? Then turn right for 100 meters." Seeing Lin Yuqing smile, Su Ran softly asked, "What happened just now?"

"It's okay now, it's already passed." Lin Yuqing seemed to remember something and started laughing cheerfully: "I wish you every success! Don't forget your promise to me!"

Lin Yuqing packed her bag, and skipped away, swaying her head.


Before he could get home, Su Ran could already hear his mother arguing with a group of people from far away.

"Get it out of here now! We didn't order a coffin! Get out! "

"Big sister, that's not a coffin, it's a high-end Nutrition Cabin!" A staff member said with a wry smile: "26, Alley 3, Kui Street, this is our location, right?"

"I don't care if it is, you certainly can't bring this coffin in!" Su Ran's mother was on the verge of trembling with anger, and she spluttered angrily, "Dammit! Outrageous! Go, go, go, don't let my son see this when he comes back!"

Seeing this, Su Ran hurriedly took two big strides and yelled out: "Mom! That's for me! Let me handle it when I get there!"

Taking advantage of the moment when his mother and the workers were taken aback, Su Ran finally managed to reach his mother.

"Gentlemen, thank you for your hard work, please go in and start the installation. We will settle the bill later." Su Ran said to the workers with a smile on his face.

"This family is strange. Let's go, guys, get the Nutrition Cabin ready!" One of the lead guys called his colleagues.

Seeing his mother's puzzled gaze, Su Ran gave a wry smile and said to his mother: "Mom, I'll explain it to you in a bit, let me finish installing the high-end Nutrition Cabin first. Also, this is a Nutrition Cabin, not a coffin."

Watching her son and the workers busily setting up the equipment, Su Ran's mother laughed and shook her head: "This child, can't he at least inform the family before doing anything? What the heck is this thing? Ah, son, you relax, I will watch them work!"


"Friend, how should we settle the bill?" Seeing that the equipment was fully installed, Su Ran asked the lead worker with a beaming smile.

"Transfer the money to this bank account within seven days, we don't accept cash." The man handed Su Ran a piece of paper with an account number on it, and then waved his colleagues to leave.

"Stinky boy, can you explain it to me now?" Su Ran's mother stood with her hands on her hips, staring at Su Ran ominously.

Then Su Ran began to explain everything to his mother. Of course, Su Ran kindly omitted the price of the high-end Nutrition Cabin, only explaining that a friend had lent it to him for a few days.

The shine in his mother's eyes grew brighter and brighter, and when she heard that playing games could cure illnesses, she hugged Su Ran tightly in excitement and cried out in joy.

"Hoo, hoo, hoo, I'm not... I'm happy! Happy!" Su Ran's mother wiped her tears while rambling incoherently.

"Ha!" Su Ran was amused by his mother's emotional outburst: "You're too old to be crying like a child!"

To his surprise, Su Ran also found himself shedding tears.


"Son! Let's drop out of school. Since playing games can save your life, let's play games every day!" After regaining her composure, Su Ran's mother made a shocking decision: "Learning a lot can't save your life, you can't delay your treatment for this disease!"

"Um, mom, isn't that too exaggerated? This game is not available during the day, it only opens from 8pm to 6am, allowing people to have plenty of time to integrate into reality, and at night, you can enjoy the game while ensuring sleep. Moreover, your son can exercise and make friends by going to school, so why not be happy about it?" Su Ran explained to his mother in disbelief.

"Okay, okay!" Su Ran's mother nonchalantly waved a hand: "As long as you live your life well, I agree with whatever you do! I also have your father's consent!"

"So ... mom, can we have dinner early?" Su Ran rubbed his stomach and smiled, "I'm hungry, and also, eat early to start the game early~"

"Right, right, right! Don't delay the game time!"

If other people's children heard this, they would be absolutely stunned! Playing games can be so natural, and the parents fully support it ... At this moment, Su Ran couldn't help but think of three words - Who else?!!!