Chapter 8: Unraveling the Plot

"Ding! The player, Magic Skeleton, has died. Would revival be necessary? The cost of revival is: 1 gold coin/10 minutes."

1 gold coin? He had none.

Well, he would just wait a patient 10 minutes then. Su Ran looked at the items strewn about on the ground, glancing at each one heartbrokenly.

Quickly, 10 minutes passed, the items on the ground hadn't refreshed yet, and Su Ran picked them all up with the fastest speed he's ever moved, cramming them all into his inexplicably spacious bladder.

What a waste, ignoring such great items entirely! If you want them now, it's too late!

"Hey, hey, hey, guys come quick! There's a BOSS!" Just as Su Ran was gloating, a surprise shout rang in his ears.

Su Ran turned around to see a group of players approach, walking directly towards this daydreaming little skeleton.

"Magic Skeleton? What a strange name, maybe it really is a BOSS! Haha, let's kill the BOSS to loot equipment!" A boorish brute shouted.

"Really, finding a BOSS while doing a task in the Novice Village, we're so lucky!" A girl wielding a magic wand said with a smile.

Oh God! Su Ran finally realized, he'd brought this disaster upon himself with his choice of name!

Su Ran opened his skeleton mouth, trying to shout: Don't hit me, I'm a player! But all that came out was: "Click, click, click!"

"Everyone be careful! The Magic Skeleton BOSS has seen us, get ready for battle!" The girl looked a little nervous, she said to everyone sideways.

"What's so scary about a boss in the Novice Village?" A level 23 warrior, his face brimming with excitement, probably the sort of player who gets excited at the sight of a boss that drops equipment, bellowed: "Ha! Watch my Jump Cut!"

Su Ran instinctively raised his novice hoe.


With a clang, the poor little skeleton shattered into pieces on the ground. The ground was once again covered with various items.

"Wow! Big loot!" The entire group shouted in excitement.


"Ugh, 1 point of experience..."

"Let's go, let's go."

"Ah, I knew it, we can't count on the BOSS in the Novice Village..."

"Wasted my mana!" The level 23 warrior, looking disgusted, turned and left, "Let's go, let's do our tasks!"

The little skeleton on the ground was close to tears, again, a large number of[Graveyard Grass], [Tomb Paper], [Burning Paper], [Decayed Coffin]exploded around him...

Hey, buddy, at least take something...

You won't even pick them up? Looking down on who!

Soon, another 10 minutes passed, Su Ran revived and swiftly picked up all the items from the ground, cramming them into his bladder again, then quickly hid in a corner of a large grave, summoning the system.

"Change the name, Skeleton!"

"Ding! The player 'Skeleton' has successfully changed its name."[Count of free name change -1]

"Ding! Since the player 'Skeleton' has a name belonging to the Skeleton clan, the favorability is gained from the Skeleton clan, Skeleton race favorability +100!"

Skeleton, the lowest of the races...

No wonder the favorability increases so quickly. Alright, if you want to survive in this game of gods and demons, you must learn to keep a low profile because the game has been running for one year now. Any high-level player could have killed Su Ran instantly, the anemic skeleton can't take damage. Moreover, the heavy responsibilities were all upon Su Ran, this little skeleton, one was to survive, and the other was debt.

In a short while, such a scene happened again in the graveyard of the Novice Village: a white little skeleton dug grave after grave, and more and more zombies wandered nearby, wandering back and forth.

But just when the number of zombies reached a certain amount, a startling system prompt appeared:

" Ding! Congratulations, player Skeleton! Due to the excessive number of zombies generated by your grave digging, a specific plot is generated. The group of zombies is enraged that their ancestral graves have been dug up, rising up to attack, targeting the Novice Village!"

" Ding! You have two choices: 1. Attack the village; 2. Defend the village."

Huh? Su Ran was stunned for a second, such a setting exists? Of course, hardly any player would neglect leveling and quests to play grave digging. Defend the village? As if, the moment the skeleton entered the Novice Village, wouldn't the archer guards scatter its skeleton with one arrow?

Su Ran sneered and decisively chose 1. Attack the village!

" Ding! As you have chosen the monster faction, Celestial Realm reputation -1000, Demon World reputation +1000!"

World Announcement: "Ding! Due to a player triggering the hidden event—'Monster Attack Village', Novice Village teleport circle is closed. The war will officially start in ten minutes, please novice players grip your weapons tightly, defend your homes!"

Area Announcement: "Ding! Due to the attacking monster race being the zombie race, a hundred graves are randomly generated."

A hundred graves?! Su Ran was elated and started digging the graves more vigorously.

It was at this time that the world was silent for a moment, then the world channel started to boil.

" What the hell! There's a monster attack on the Novice Village? What kind of game is this?"

"F*ck? How can we go back to Novice Village if the teleport circle is closed? By the time we run back, even the yellow flowers will have withered!"

"Hey hey hey, which great deity triggered this event? Share a bit, what are the rewards?"

"Novice players, it's your chance to show off! Hold on, buy some time~ We major players will hurry over without stopping!"

"Uh, comrade above, it's been a year since the game was opened, how many novices can be left?"

"Top Ten Guild players, go save the Novice Village!"

"Hahaha, I am Ni Wudao from the 'Unified Under Heaven' guild! I'm in the Novice Village doing my quest, no one's here to compete for experience with me!"

"Holy crap, Ni Wudao, the 67th best player on the Human List! Long live Ni Wudao! As long as God Wudao is here, defending the village is invincible!"

"Ni Wudao, don't act superior, care for your little JJ."


Su Ran speechlessly looked at the chaotic world channel, froze for a moment when he saw Ni Wudao's message, then quickly called up the system and opened the list of top players.

The top player list is divided into the Emperor List, Heavenly List, Earthly List, and Human List——

The Emperor list had only one throne, and to date, it has been vacant; no one has ascended it;

On the Heavenly List, there were three slots: Crane That Doesn't Dance, Hangover Elder, and Qiu Tu sitting high and mighty;

On the Earthly List, there were ten slots: Carving Dragon, Drawing Phoenix, Nan Qiang, Bei Diao, Dai Xuan, Yellow Sandal, Jiu Kong, Withered Fish, Wise Circle Square, and Ye Yufengyan occupied them;

The Human List had a hundred slots, all filled by elite guild players.

Ni Wudao...

Found him! 67th on the Human List, Berserker, level 32, elite of the [Unified Under Heaven]guild.

Ah~ For a level 32 player, killing these clueless, walking corpse zombies would be simpler than cutting tofu...

Su Ran frowned, with such a BUG player in the Novice Village, could he still have fun? He pondered while digging the grave in front of him, continuously generating zombies as graves were dug.

"Ding! Congratulations, player Skeleton, your mining level has increased by one level!"

Huh? How did he level up? Oh, no wonder, it was because the proficiency of digging graves had maxed out. Su Ran looked down at the baby in his bladder, well, of course, he couldn't find a man's baby…