Chapter 10: Unscrupulous Merchant

"Greetings, Lord Yin Si, I apologize for disturbing your repose," Su Ran said with high intelligence, methodically arranging his thoughts and speaking respectfully in the natural language of the skeleton race. Su Ran was gambling; he was betting that his 100 points of goodwill with the skeleton race and his 1,000 Demon World reputation could help soothe the fury in Yin Si's heart due to the violation of his ancestral tomb.

"Our undead race is rising, and we need your help, Lord Yin Si." Su Ran proclaimed resolutely to the robed skeleton.

Robed Yin Si gave a grisly smile, the spectral flame in his bony fingers died out completely, and pointed at the small white skeleton, "You, a level 1 skeleton, dare to talk boldly. Our undead race is the weakest in the world of Gods and Demons. What rise are you talking about? I, Yin Si, hate bombastic words the most."

"My words are truthful, Lord Yin Si. Please look at the zombie horde relocating to Novice Village," Su Ran calmly gestured towards the zombie legion which was—uh, they hadn't gotten far in so much time. Agility 1 creatures are hurtful indeed… This seemed to be the longest monster attack in village leveling history, right? To the players defending Novice Village, just hang on a little longer; they will arrive in about two days.

"Eh?" Robed Yin Si paused, "What's happening?"

"Our zombie horde from the undead race is moving towards the human Novice Village, to attack the human settlement!" Su Ran looked eagerly at the robed NPC, certain that he could benefit greatly with this appeasement.

"Human race?" Yin Si muttered, "Human Race? God's camp! The hatred between the Gods and Demons is irreconcilable. An attack on a human village? It would be better if it were obliterated."

"But...why choose to attack the village now? This timing is wrong! Where is the 'Demon King's Order'?"

'Demon King's Order'? Su Ran was caught off guard.

What's that? He stood in place, waiting silently for the unique NPC's response.

"Forget it, just a small village." Robed Yin Si thought for a while, looking at the little white skeleton, "As a member of the undead race, why are you digging graves with a hoe instead of killing humans?"

Damn it, why do you have to bring this up? Su Ran dared not reveal that the zombies were infuriated because their ancestral tombs were desecrated because of him and decided to attack the village. If he did, he wouldn't be far from death.

"Respectable Lord Yin Si, we, the undead race need your help. Our present strength is too weak. I've heard there are top-ranked human players in Novice Village," Su Ran deflected the topic.

"Oh? Top-ranked human players? Ridiculous!" Yin Si scoffed, "When did ranked humans start being considered experts? Oh, right. Why are you digging graves instead of going to Novice Village to kill humans?"

Damn it!

"Respected Lord Yin Si, our zombie horde averages at level 3. Going there could be compromising!" Su Ran briskly wiped the cold sweat off his luminous forehead.

"Yes, the baseline zombies of the zombie clan are indeed a bit weak. I should give some assistance. Speaking of which, why are you digging graves with a hoe instead of attacking a village?"

For God's sake! Are you tired of bringing this up?!

"Respected Lord Yin Si, I'm just a level 1 skeleton, too weak to have any power." Su Ran felt his hand bones trembling.

"Then why are you digging graves instead of improving your abilities?"


Because there are many treasures in the graves? Could Su Ran say that?

With difficulty, Su Ran composed himself and carefully responded, "Respected Lord Yin Si, I am doing this to awaken more companions of the zombie race. I am just a small skeleton with no abilities, so I can only use this method to awaken my friends of the zombie race."

Robed Yin Si casually glanced at the urinary bladder of the little skeleton, then expressed his understanding with a deep sigh.

Sensing danger, Su Ran instinctively took a look at his own pelvic area, immediately a bunch of horses running through the grass came to mind...

It's exposed under the sky!

One could easily see the burial goods he dug out!

The bunch of grass he had pulled from the tomb was still lush in his bladder, waving in the wind...

The stacks of spirit money were rather neatly arranged...


Profiteer! Greedy merchant! No merchant is not cunning!

Cursing a thousand times in his heart, Su Ran reached into his pelvic bone forcefully and presented his only equipment, the[Zombie Hat].

"Respected Lord Yin Si, this is something I accidentally obtained. I offer it to you now." Su Ran maintained a calm exterior, but internally he was bleeding, gritting his teeth and reciting N times in his mind: anyway, I can't wear it, anyway, I can't wear it...

"Well, boy, you are quite considerate." Robed Yin Si took the Zombie Hat and it disappeared in an instant. He then murmured to himself, "It's been a while since I touched 'Underworld Coins', I've heard that the paper is as smooth as silk."

"My lord! I also accidentally obtained an 'Underworld Coin'. Silk must be savored. Let me offer it to you!" Su Ran enunciated each word through gritted teeth. He glared at Robed Yin Si's bladder, daring him to expose his girdle and let him inspect!

"This kid can be taught!" Yin Si accepted the[Underworld Coin]with an evil grin and continued staring at Su Ran's bladder. Once Su Ran felt uncomfortable, he addressed the main issue, "Indeed, this zombie attack is not trivial. It's an event that we, the undead, should record in our history book. Since even you, a level 1 little skeleton, have contributed a[Zombie Hat]and[Underworld Coin], then naturally I cannot stand by without taking action."

"Catch." Yin Si shook his robe, taking out a black talisman covered with jet-black aura and threw it to the stunned little skeleton.

The frantic Su Ran caught and examined the details of the item.

[Undead Roar](Talisman)

During a siege, the properties of all undead skeletons and zombies participating in the attack are doubled.

Effective time: one hour.

Note: This is a precious talisman, the effect would be better during the Cursed Undead Catastrophe.

Cursed Undead Catastrophe? What's that?

"Also, take this." This time, Yin Si took out two cards, tossing them to Su Ran.

Damn! You could have just handed them directly to me given how close we are! Su Ran fumbled and managed to grab the two cards.

[Hell Hound][Common Card]


Attack: 78-92

Qi Blood: 1000

Defense: 60

Agility: 9

Skill: Hellfire - Summoned from Hell, adds 30% to the attack, attack range is 3X3, becomes weak for 3 minutes after this move is used.

Note: This is the juvenile form of the Hell Three-headed Dog, possessing great strength. Once the card is used, the card beast will exist for 10 minutes.

A card beast! This status, wouldn't it allow the creature to roam freely in Novice Village?

With a beating heart, Su Ran looked at the second card.

[Corpse Healer][Common Card]


Attack: 0-0

Qi Blood: 3000

Defense: 100

Agility: 3

Passive Skills: Life Returning Radiance - automatically recovers 10 qi blood per second.

Active Skills: Undead Resurrection - consume a portion of magic power, revive Low-level undead within 3X3 space.

Note: This is an attack-less zombie, but don't underestimate it, it can bring you endless trouble... the card beast will exist for 20 minutes after the card is used.

Oh my god, with these two card beasts, Novice Village is certain to fall!

Su Ran started rubbing his hands together excitedly.