Chapter 12: Digging Advanced Tombs

Inside the 'Sinister Grave Ridge,' a small skeleton was mechanically digging graves, creating more and more zombies and corpse soldiers.

"Ding! Congratulations, player Skeleton, your mining level has increased by one!"

Su Ran was jolted out of his stupor by the unexpected system notification.

"Yay! Finally Level 3!" Su Ran hollered as he dashed towards the eerie and gloomy set of a hundred 'Tombs of the Undead.'

"Clang! " "Clang!"

Ha-ha-ha, after digging for just a bit, he stumbled upon a treasure! The lovely voice of the system transmitted over once more.

"Ding! Congratulations, player, you've obtained a 'Bone Marrow'!"

Bone marrow? Su Ran quickly held it in his hand to inspect it.

[Bone Marrow] (Enhancement Material)

Used by lower rank Undead for self-enhancement.

Note: For a lower rank Undead wanting to enhance itself, this is the go-to item!

"Sure enough, it's a good treasure!" Su Ran smiled happily. As expected, there were many good items in these hundred Tombs of the Undead — he dug up the very best one on his first try!

Without saying another word, Su Ran took the 'Bone Marrow' and threw it into his mouth. The item melted instantly upon entering the mouth, and the entire skeleton body radiated a dark black light, which disappeared after a short while.

"Ding! Congratulations, player Skeleton, you have successfully enhanced yourself! Your physical strength has increased by one tier!"

[Skeleton] (Necromancer)

Attack: -5-0

Qi Blood: 40X2=80

Magic Attack: (12-16) +10=22-26

Magic Value: 160+100=260

Defense: -4+10=6

Agility: 6

Luck: 12

Who would believe that a Level 1 skeleton could possess such powerful attributes? The original Magic Attack limit had reached 26 points. If equipped with a [Bone Nail], ha-ha, the maximum Magic Attack would be 46 points!

With renewed energy, Su Ran continued digging his treasure — the Tombs of the Undead.

"Ding! Congratulations, player, you've obtained a special item — a 'Guiding Scroll of Guimu Cemetery Ridge'!"

Huh? What's this?

[Guiding Scroll of Guimu Cemetery Ridge] (Scroll)

After usage, it will guide the tomb monsters out of the 'Corpse-locking and Spirit-bewildering Array,' activating corpse-locking attributes. Players who die here cannot respawn within six hours.

Good lord!

'Corpse-locking and Spirit-bewildering Array', with a name like that it sounds impressive. No wonder the zombies hadn't left for so long. Even if they were slow, they should have reached the Novice Village by now! The system is really wicked. If I hadn't dug up this special item, the zombies attacking the village would never be able to leave. That's hilarious ...

Despite his anger, Su Ran burst out laughing. This corpse-locking mechanism is quite something! It really tricked the players! With a swipe of his hand, he tore the scroll, freeing his zombie minions. It was about time they got some sunshine! Meanwhile, he continued digging in the half-dug grave.

Boom boom boom! The entire map of the 'Sinister Grave Ridge' began to shake violently. The dark fog that had always lingered began to dissipate, and sunlight seeped in. The zombies were creating some hoarse sounds unknowingly, then aligned their steps and began to move towards the Novice Village.

However, at this moment, the voices of a group of players could be heard from afar, drawing closer.

"Boss Ni, it's here!"

"Hey, look! How come the graveyard is much brighter than before?"

"Isn't this better? We can avoid traps and stuff much more easily!"

"Move, move, move! Experience points, equipment!"

The players couldn't wait to rush towards this eerie graveyard, the eternal resting place of zombies.


What the hell, these players left the village and started attacking? Su Ran glanced at the zombie army before him and felt a little relieved. He had to keep his head down and dig, striving to create more zombie troops.

"Ding! Congratulations to the player Skeleton for digging up a 'Blackwood Secret Coffin'!"

[Blackwood Secret Coffin]

Made from century-old Blackwood, this secret coffin has the power to suppress and seal evil corpses.

Note: A century-old zombie is sealed inside. Be careful when opening the coffin!

Ah ha?! There was nothing more to say, open it!

"Ding! The player Skeleton opened the Blackwood Secret Coffin, triggering the release of the seal and unveiling a century-old zombie from within! Beware, Skeleton!"

[Century-old Zombie] (Special)

Attack: 120—150

Qi Blood: 3000

Defense: 50

Agility: 3

Passive Skill: Corpse Poison — There is a chance of poisoning the target when attacking, reducing 1% of Qi Blood per second for 15 seconds.

Active Skill: Blood Suck — Bites and drains blood from the target to heal itself, increasing 1% of Qi Blood per second for 15 seconds.

Note: This is a century-old evil corpse. After being sealed for hundreds of years, it finally saw the light of day again.

The century-old zombie twisted its stiff skull, gave a sideways glance at the little skeleton holding a novice hoe next to it, growled, and then moved forward.

Its speed was faster than that of a small zombie.

Su Ran laughed heartily, "Novice Village defenders, here is my gift to you, and this gift has just begun to roll out!"


"Charge in! Comrades, this honor belongs to us!" Ni Wudao, with his eyes shining, led the team and charged into the Sinister Grave Ridge.

"Charge! Equipment, experience, here we come!" Newcomers, invigorated, charged into the mysterious cemetery with eyes glowing red.

Just as all the players were entering, the dark ground of Sinister Grave Ridge lit up with a black halo. After a slight ripple, it disappeared, and the ground returned to its calm state.

"Ha ha, killing zombies feels like chopping vegetables!" Five or six players teamed up and instantly blew up a zombie.

"Wow ha ha, burst out a few copper coins! You guys can have them, I won't fight for them!" A player laughed loudly, pointing at a few novice players who were rushing for the copper coins.

"Look, so many zombies! Comrades, kill, kill, kill!"

Suddenly, dozens of zombies were surrounded and slaughtered by dozens of players.

"We must not abide by that sissy! Show some guts!" Ni Wudao spat, waving his large knife and cursing while doing so.

"Right on!" The players who benefited from the raid were all glad they had followed, these village-attacking zombies were simply too weak!

The zombie hordes from all sides were rushing towards them, encircling these novice players. At this moment, Ni Wudao casually said, "All get out of my way! Witness the power of my 'Jump Cut'!"



The hit zombie only had 100 Qi Blood and instantly died.

"Wow, Ni Wudao is awesome, deserving of his high ranking! The attack is over 300! If he bursts, it will be unbeatable?!" A novice player shouted excitedly.

"My attack is only just over 60, how can I compete?"

When the words finished, the zombies rushed at Ni Wudao.

"-1" "-1" "-1"


A series of ones dazzled everyone.

"He truly deserves his high rank! The benefits of a senior account, hahaha, straight to invincibility!" The players got excited and started recording to share on the game forum.

"So frustrating! Why can't I get a grasp of the AoE skill? Swiping through waves, that's what cool is!" Ni Wudao was extremely torn. Conquest of Gods and Demons was a great game, but it was too hard to master skills, and the skill books required a high level. Truly annoying!