Chapter 24: Counteracting a Strategy with Another Strategy

Zhang Meng walked up to Su Ran's desk.

"Siying, Monkey is mine, and your actions have been less than fair. What should have been a good group activity has become such a mess, vulgar and uncivilized." Zhang Meng flexed his fingers, his knuckles crackling, and he casually sat down on Su Ran's desk, speaking casually to Han Siying.

The desk groaned under him, as if it were on the verge of collapse.


Han Siying was incredibly nimble. She idly slid a compass between her fingers, and gradually the compass began to spin faster and faster. The onlooking students stared at the high-speed revolving compass, their faces pale with fear, as if the compass could turn into an arrow at any moment and shoot straight at their heads.

"Siying, that's not fair. Our fathers were comrades in arms, and we grew up together..."

"Go away."

"Don't be so heartless. You used to always follow me around when you were little. I've been looking after you all this time!"

"Go away!"