Chapter 121: Despair, Hope

"Phew, good to know. I was worried I'd cause trouble for you." Lin Yuqing patted her chest in relief.

"You two go on and chat. I'll go and serve up the meal!" Su's mother left the room with a beaming smile.

"What time is it now?" Su Ran froze as the words "serve the food" reached his ears.

"It's half past twelve already. You've been playing that game so much you're forgetting to sleep or eat!" Lin Yuqing said, pretending to be mad at him.

"By the way, I wanted to ask you something," Su Ran glanced outside cautiously and spoke softly. "Have your parents not returned from their business trip yet?"

"They came back quite some time ago. Why?" Lin Yuqing was a smart girl, and she immediately understood what was going on. She smiled bitterly. "You don't know yet. Auntie resigned from her job voluntarily."

"Resigned?" Su Ran finally understood. His mom had quit her job just to take better care of him.

From hereon, he had to stop worrying and focus on earning a living for his family!