Chapter 123 Cream Puff Boy

[Regional Announcement] Smooth Operator: The Righteous and Indomitable Guild is recruiting! Those interested, come to the Instance Portal!

[Regional Announcement] Bone-Deep Love: @Smooth Operator, are you really not thinking of returning to the Solitary Unrequited Affections Guild?

Smooth Operator: Scum, don't talk to me!

Bone-Deep Love: It really wasn't intentional that night. Can you stop being so fussy?

Smooth Operator: Buzz off!

Such a reveal caused quite a stir in the World Chat. Definitely breaking news!

So it appears there's a story behind why the popular female player Smooth Operator left the Solitary Unrequited Affections Guild? Scum? That night? What explosive news!

Su Ran, who had just left his house, paused upon seeing this. It seemed Smooth Operator was quite famous; a comment from her could spark heated debates in the World Chat.