Chapter 156: Money Tree

Su Ran was struck with fear and decided that he needed to be more cautious in the future. With an infamous reputation, Su Ran dared not approach those high-ranking skeletons, so he stood still, waiting for his notoriety to fade away.

After almost ten minutes, Su Ran's name finally restored to its initial state. Feeling audacious, he headed straight towards the mighty pile of skeleton warriors.

Just then, a skeleton warrior armed with a sharp bone scythe looked at the minor skeleton approaching him, then quickly looked away, neither taking action nor attacking it. That let Su Ran heave a sigh of relief.

The good standing the game initially provided him with the skeleton tribe was a downright super bug!

Su Ran casually strolled over to the ancient tomb exuding a mysterious aura. On either side of the tomb, stood a Skeleton Lord. He compared his height to theirs, realizing they were four heads taller than him!