Chapter 183: Earth Shakes, Sky Muddles

Su Ran was puzzled. What was the reason for this attribute boost? He had never experienced it before! Could it be that there was something in the lava pool that could enhance the strength of the Molten Lava Bone Demon?

If it could provide such a boost, why had the Molten Lava Bone Demon been sealed within the lava pool in the first place? And after it broke free of its seal, rather than leaving, it had set up its home there!

The perplexed Su Ran decided not to dwell on it, thinking to himself that the Human Race players were indeed hidden dragons and crouching tigers. The player with the green hat was powerful. His attack had almost taken half of Su Ran's life! Moreover, his luck seemed to be quite high; he could treat the lava pool as if it were nothing, which was absurd. However, no matter how strong he was, he still was destined to die!