Chapter 210 Almost Exposed (Seeking recommendations and support, thank you)

Su Ran laughed heartily, placing the summoning stone into his own pouch and walking towards the chained giant rock.

He remembered clearly how obtaining this oddity had incited divine wrath. This stone must be extraordinary! Once he had gotten out of the Rebirth Gate space and returned to his own domain, he planned to ask that deceitful merchant, Yin Si, about the preciousness of this item.

The philosophy was, 'better to kill a thousand in error than let a single treasure slip.'


A flaming ball whizzed towards him, aiming for Su Ran who was lost in thought.


Su Ran stumbled, knocked back to reality from his daydream. He angrily turned his head to look at his assailant, and was taken aback.

The person who attacked him was his own teammate, Black Crow!

"Damn, why am I running into you now..."