Chapter 231 Horse Rakshasa

"Ahead is a transport platform. We have to be careful when we enter. It could be full of dangers, so we all have to be on guard."

"Damn, there's a mysterious treasure box under this transport platform!"

Black Crow rushed to the platform only to find that the mysterious box he'd longed for had been taken. It had already been opened and claimed.

"No shit, the transport platform appears only after the treasure box is opened. Come on, haven't you figured that out after playing this long?"

Su Ran spoke rudely, annoyed by all the fuss.

"Poor, precious box of mine. Too bad I was too busy fighting zombies."

Black Crow complained, regretting his greed that had let the treasure slip away.

"That's irrelevant, the box was already open when I arrived," Su Ran didn't mention the detail about the leg he had taken from the box, lest Black Crow become despondent.