Chapter 245: Insanity Before Death

"Old thief, meet your demise!"

The Bull Rakshasa who rushed over realized something was amiss. He attacked Asura with full force, attempting to prevent the anomaly that had just formed.

Unfortunately, at that moment, Asura's eyes were tightly closed and he had entered a profound state. He responded to the Bull Rakshasa's attack with complete indifference.


A wave of light appeared, automatically shielding him. It blocked the Bull Rakshasa's attack. Asura's entire body took on a radiant golden color, exuding an awe-inspiring majesty.

"Damn it, this process can't be interrupted!"

The Bull, Horse, and Mouse Rakshasa joined forces all-out to attack Asura. Sadly, it was all too late; the transformation was already complete.

"Hahaha, congratulations to the mighty Lord Asura, your power is unparalleled, your divine technique is accomplished!"