Chapter 261: Superior Baby

Su Ran focused intently, observing the skill attributes of this special pet, in an attempt to understand what made it so unique that it could even devour the mighty Asura.

[???] (Unnamed) (Player Skeleton's pet) LV1

Qi Blood: 200

Defense: 50

Magic Attack: 10-20

Magic Points: 500

Agility: 6

Luck: 7

Active Skills: Leap - Able to jump in the sky without restriction.

Soul Bewilderment- Has a certain chance to control targets, a maximum of three targets can be controlled for an hour. Players are excluded.

Ghost Claw Aerial Strike - Summons a ghostly claw to attack the enemy, damage is 120% of the attack limit; has a certain chance to poison target.

Passive Skills: Transformation - When HP drops to 5%, the runes automatically disappear, triggering a two-stage transformation effect lasting for 3 minutes, after which it reverts to its original state.

Evolution - Absorb death energy to strengthen itself. When a certain amount is reached, it can spontaneously evolve.