Chapter 274: Wrath of the Divine Duke


Just after this self-proclaimed god of lords vented, he suddenly found the scene before him quite unfamiliar. His temple had disappeared without a trace, leaving only rocks and soil, and a small sitting skeleton.

"Hey hey, where am I? Where is The Temple of Fallen?"

The god of lords became a bit uneasy and asked harshly: "Why are you, a mere undead, here? Did that old thief, the Dark Honored One, send you?"

"Where is the Sacred Fierce Wolf? Reveal yourself in front of your master immediately!"

"Screaming about what exactly? You mean that watch dog? Oh, I remember, I made it into a soup. But to be fair, the meat was quite good. Tender and white, clear soup, delightful and aromatic, it's totally irresistible!"

Su Ran picked at his ear, seemingly annoyed by the loudness of the lord god.


The lord god was enraged. Until now, no one had ever dared to speak to him in that way! But now, an audacious little undead skeleton had appeared. Who gave it such nerve?!!