Chapter 288: Exchange them all for me!

"Ding Ding!"

A friend message came, Su Ran was taken aback and immediately opened his friend interface to find that the sender was actually Han Siying.

"What does this woman want from me?"

Su Ran was puzzled. She had just spent 20,000 gold coins to buy weapons and should still be angry. But now she's contacting me, and I am a bit confused.

"Overturning Water, the thing I asked for before, will you still help?"

"What is it? Be specific."

"Help me complete a hidden plot mission."

"Since I promised you, I won't breach the contract."

"Good. Prepare for a while, first accompany us to take over the territory, when you finish the mission, I won't go back on my word and will definitely give you a fine shop location!"

Bloody hell, she speaks lightly, isn't she just robbing my territory?

The most ridiculous part is that she even wants to invite me to attack my own territory. What's she planning?

If I don't warmly welcome Han Siying, I would be disgracing myself!