Chapter 341: Mysterious Beads

"You're way too traditional! Can't we dig graves without being a grave-robber by trade? Who has mining skills?"

Taciturn spoke reluctantly, then turned to ask the two people beside him.

"I do, but my mining level isn't high, it's only level three."

One of them said, taking out a silver hoe and swinging it in front of Taciturn.

"Good, now go and dig up that grave, we'll cover you."

Taciturn pointed at the mysterious grave with utter determination.

"Digging a grave?"

This player screamed, shaking his head, "I won't do such a disgraceful thing, I'll be haunted by ghosts!"

Taciturn pulled out ten gold coins.

"Brother Taciturn, you're the guiding light of my life, wherever you point, I'll dig!"

After saying so, the player swiftly pocketed the coins and gathered his bag, his face full of moral righteousness.

He was neat and swift with his actions.
