Chapter 401: Making a Phone Call

"Commander, we finally received the signal. That lucky gamer is surprisingly reliable. He actually didn't log off after obtaining the legendary elixir, making us hang around for several hours! I had to work overtime, and couldn't go anywhere. That's truly hateful!"

A man clad in white robes threw the compact signal receiver onto the table, taking a sigh of relief.

"Where is the location?"

"26, Alley 3, Kui Street, Changshi."


"Slow down, Little Ran. Eating too fast isn't good for you!"

Seeing Su Ran wolfing down his food but in high spirits, his mother was filled with satisfaction.

"Oh, right, how is it going for you in the game? Did you get any valuable items?"

After waiting for Su Ran to finish eating, she couldn't help but ask. She felt that ever since their neighbor Li Wan'er had come by, her son stopped talking about his gaming exploits. This puzzled her, so she decided to take the initiative to ask Su Ran about it.