Chapter 440: Kicked into a Special Space

"Alright, Daoist, I must take my leave now,"

Han Siying stood up decisively. She cast her gaze towards Su Ran, complicated—all-encapsulating, "Overturning Water, I hope you can set aside all distractions and do your best to complete this task. Also, I wish you all the best, may you return fully laden."

Su Ran felt his skin crawl. He was not accustomed to Han Siying's soft voice. He would prefer it if she was cold and icy towards him!

After saying her piece, Han Siying turned and left without any hesitation--unfettered and free.

"Lad, you can tell me now, right? How is the Evolution Elixir?"

The moment the crimson door closed, Daoist Wang eagerly turned to Su Ran and asked. His previous seriousness had disappeared.

"I've hidden it like you instructed. We'll deal with it when we find the Nine Heavens God Water," Su Ran casually replied. Telling an NPC about real-world stuff was like playing a lute for a cow.