Chapter 458: The Annoying Random Teleportation

Upon hearing the arrogant words of the Guild Leader, the surrounding players began to sneer and mock, all turning to ridicule Su Ran.

"I mean, dear brother, you are the Guild Leader of Dancing Demons, holding command over tens of thousands of elite players. Why would you stoop to our level?"

Su Ran knew the virtue of patience. The situation was not something he could handle on his own. Showing weakness was his only chance for survival. Su Ran paused and continued, "Brother Guild Leader, can't you be forgiving and let me off this one time, please?"

"Let you off? Let you off my ass!"

Dai Xuan smirked in rage as the Red Gold Cloud Tiger steadily advanced towards Su Ran. "Do you realize how much insult your actions had inflicted upon me? How can I face my thousands of brothers? Where is my prestige? Today, only your death can relieve my hatred!"

"Kill him! Kill him!"

The players felt that the show had not escalated enough and began to stoke the fires.