Chapter 463: Made a Fortune from the War

But then, the unexpected really happened.


A thunderbolt as thick as a bowl suddenly appeared, viciously hitting Dai Xuan's body. The guy immediately lost his consciousness and fell from the back of the tiger.

I must say, Dai Xuan was really unlucky. At this crucial moment, he triggered the dizziness attribute; this was the epitome of bad luck.


The Red Gold Cloud Tiger, protective of its master, rushed into the circle of undead skeletons again, protecting the unconscious Dai Xuan beneath it.

As for the remaining dozens of players, they turned around and saw Dai Xuan, the president, unconscious in the pile of skeletons; after exchanging glances, none of them turned back to help. They all disappeared.

This showed how well Dai Xuan had been linking with others in the guild on ordinary days.

"Damn it, I've been dizzied!"

Dai Xuan, who had regained his senses, broke out in a cold sweat. After taking a look at the surrounding scene, his heart slightly relaxed.