But just as the players were about to turn and leave, the situation changed again.

A giant hand shot out from the vortex, transforming into the familiar Sand Titan we all know, except, after killing thirty or so players, the Sand Titan appeared to have grown a lot bigger. At the same time, the terrifying sand vortex also disappeared from everyone's sight.

"The BOSS has reappeared, so there's no point in backing off now. Brothers, grab your weapons and charge!"

Zhang Meng abruptly changed his tone, leading the group with the impressive aura of a Heavenly List master, at once marching towards the bizarre Sand Titan BOSS.

The players got pretty worked up too. They were grumpy at first when they didn't receive any experience points, but with the BOSS in view again, they felt an irresistible urge to avenge their fallen brothers!


"Blow it up!"