Chapter 474: Verbal Disagreement

"Brother He, look quick, there are monsters spawning!"

Suddenly, Taciturn cried out in surprise. Having seen enough Undead skeletons, he had quite an interest in the high-level monster ahead. He yearned to confront it personally and see just how ferocious this high-level creature really was.

A monster with a black spear and donned in dark armor appeared, moving around aimlessly. The creature looked human-like, but its face was obscured by a helmet, making it impossible to discern its features.

"This is a demon, the lowest level among the demonic spirits. You can check out the monster encyclopedia on your system assistant instead of carrying on with your theatrics here. It's worth noting that this creature can summon its comrades. If things get chaotic, we should head back directly!"

Crane That Doesn't Dance spoke somewhat impatiently. However, considering the creature's potential usefulness, he begrudgingly tolerated it.