Chapter 488: Accidentally Hollowed Out

"Senior, I, I! How could you have forgotten about me?"

The player who had unearthed the special equipment was panic-stricken and spoke hastily. He didn't dare wait. If the other players around him launched an attack, he'd have deep regrets.


A beam of white light flashed by, and this lucky player was instantly teleported to the second layer of space.

"Damn, these two are so lucky. And why is it so hard to dig up these broken artifacts? I've been mining with level 3 skills and I couldn't even find a single hair, even a piece of bronze would be enough!"

"Forget about the ores, I've dug up a heap of stones but I didn't even see a single special item or even a card!"

"Could it be about the location? Let's go somewhere else!"

Many players changed their minds about sticking in one place and rushed toward the spots where the two players had been digging.