Chapter 491: Killing a Thousand to Seize the Qualification

"I think you should recognize this, since it actually came from your own hand."

Crane That Doesn't Dance pulled a shattered weapon from his bag, tossing it around in his hand.

"Did you kill Big Blood Bull?"

Su Ran asked calmly, but the oscillation in his eyes gave him away.

"Do I need to report his murder to you? I just didn't expect this guy to play such a rubbish blood battle. Truly a rare specimen."

Crane That Doesn't Dance felt an exhilarating satisfaction. He then pulled out three cards, expressing his surprise to Su Ran: "You dug these up? You're rather lucky with mining, aren't you? I guess you're a miner in the real world? Sadly though, ultimately, it all benefits me, hahaha!"

Su Ran watched this guy who was laughing exaggeratedly without saying a word, who knew what was on his mind.

All of a sudden,

An old voice appeared in the air, interrupting Crane That Doesn't Dance's upcoming sarcastic remark.