Chapter 510: Digging Graves to Obtain Formations

"The mountain teleported again? How could it disappear when it no longer has an owner? This is odd!"

The demon general was full of doubts, but he didn't suspect Su Ran. After all, even if he tried his hardest, he couldn't imagine that the little skeleton in front of him could make a mountain vanish, which ultimately left him clueless.

"Never mind, perhaps the opportunity hasn't come. Little skeleton, you can go ahead with your tasks. If you see Demonic Treasure Mountain, just let me know."

The demon general waved his hand, indicating that it was time for Su Ran to leave.

"Um, General, do you still want the corpse on the ground? If not, I'll clean it up. It's kind of a messy sight and having it around could be irritating."

Su Ran had his eye on the corpse on the ground. If he could convert it into an undead skeleton, its defense and Qi Blood would surely surpass that of ordinary skeletons!

"Take it, it's in the way."
