Chapter 512: Trickery leads to a Hidden Mission (Two in One)_2

"Right now, death seems to be the best end for this old man - to plunge into the reincarnation cycle for another life! Hahaha, if I knew it would come to this, why bother in the first place? What a waste, such a waste!"

The old man of flames laughed with endless regret. What use was there clinging on to life?"

"Senior, please reconsider!"

Although Su Ran was on his guard, he still pleaded earnestly. You must know, the fruit in the old geezer's hand was a treasure. Did you hear? A Tao fruit! A treasure containing the symbol 'Tao' was definitely not inferior to God-Demon artifacts!

Anyway, since he was set on dying, why not do me a favor? When the time came, I would bury you at the peak of the Demonic Treasure Mountain. Whenever the holidays rolled around, I would come and pay my respects. I had plenty of offerings to burn, guaranteed to ensure your good life in the underworld!

Oh, and the most important point. I definitely won't desecrate your grave!