Chapter 552: Conflict Arises in Demonic Treasure Mountain (Two-in-One)_2

At the moment Su Ran grabbed the little stone's wrist, he clearly felt it quiver. Alas, was his current identity so frightful?


A flash of light darted past, and Su Ran and the little stone had appeared halfway up the Demonic Treasure Mountain.

"Keep quiet, the humans are around here!"

Immediately, Su Ran let go of the little stone's wrist, giving him a stern warning.

The little stone was not one to be clueless, he obediently hid behind Su Ran, curiously looking towards the sight not far off.

Ahead, about five players were joking and chatting as they climbed the mountain. From their gear, it seemed that they comprised three mages and two warriors.

"Little stone, stay here quietly, don't go anywhere, understand?"

Su Ran whispered to the little stone behind him, tone leaving no room for argument.

"Lord, are you going into a battle?"

"Mm. After we clear them out, we can go home earlier."