Chapter 569: Open the Large Treasure Chest! (2 in 1) _2

"Enough!", one of them fumed, "That fool played us, and we fell for it! We can't let him off so easily! Bring all these players back with us!"

The more the mage player thought about it, the more frustrated he became. The thought of losing the treasures in the gigantic chest to that treacherous guy was enough to make his blood boil.

"How do we get back? The only road is blocked by them. Shall we fly up?"

"Damn it!"

The mage player exhaled angrily and yelled to the pursuing players while on the run, "Chest Hair! We still have another comrade. Go guard the chest! Why are you wasting time chasing us?"

"Do you think we're stupid? Give it up and meet your end. We can still return after killing you!"

Chest Hair, being overweight, was unfit for intense physical exertion. After shouting, he found himself panting heavily, gasping for air as he bent over.

"You continue the chase, I'll guard...guard the treasure!"