Chapter 570: Water-Fire Fusion Skill


Trapped inside a large treasure chest, Su Ran plunged downward like a roller coaster. After countless twists and turns, the chest finally came to a stop.

In an instant...

A bone-chilling silence shrouded the large treasure chest, including the unconscious skeleton robed in black.


Wang Cai, who had a much stronger power of recovery than Su Ran, quickly came out of his stupor. He looked at Su Ran at with an anxious expression, biting his black robe and tugging at it persistently.

"Alright, alright, Wang Cai, stop shaking me. Any more shaking and I'll get even dizzier…"

After being woken by Wang Cai, Su Ran rubbed his throbbing head. He was just about to stand up when he realized, to his surprise, that he couldn't lift the chest lid, meaning he was now trapped inside the chest.

"What's going on?"

He pushed hard against the lid of the box until he wearied himself, and Su Ran begrudgingly acknowledged the fact that he simply could not move it.

Could it be…