Chapter 584: Obtaining Another Pet, Turmoil Arises Again (Two in One)

[Summoning Manual] LV2 (Darkness)

Additional summoning space for a demon world pet obtained.

It's a level-two Summoning Manual!

Su Ran had already used the first-level manual, now was the perfect time to use this one!

However, why did this skeletal centipede let him obtain this manual? What was its purpose?

Could it be...

The thought of an absurd possibility made Su Ran take another look at the skeletal centipede involuntarily.


With no hesitation, Su Ran used the Summoning Manual that he had just acquired. And with this, he now had three pet spaces. This was nothing short of a miracle for players who only had one pet space.

"Hiss hiss..."

Seeing Su Ran use the manual, the skeletal centipede appeared elated. It then curled its long body around Su Ran and tugged at his cloak, pulling it downwards.

"You're saying, you want to be my pet?"