Chapter 589: Mirage in the Sea City

A bizarre scene was unfolding, and it had already been going on for over half an hour.

The territory was floating in the sky, while players below were chasing after it. Such a grand spectacle was a first for the Dark Swamp, a beginner map. It had been a very long time since the Dark Swamp played host to so many players.

More and more players gathered, soon exceeding a million. Then, even more players joined in, forming a massive tide rushing forward with bustling energy. It was quite the spectacle!

The Dark Swamp's thick grass was quickly trampled into mud, the ground shook from the stampede. After all, there is power in numbers, right?!

"Fuck, when will this floating land ever stop? Enraging to see it but not be able to get it!"

A player who had been running for a long time felt his spirit wane, and his irritation built. Unable to contain his frustration, he vented.

"Yeah, my legs are getting sore from running. This is no way to treat us~!"