Chapter 608: Attacking the Territory

"Everyone, be cautious. There are too many tombs on this damn mountain, watch out for hidden traps!"

Crane That Doesn't Dance, who was at the front of the team, observed the cliff above with a serious expression, cautioning all. To him, these tombs were like landmines that could explode at any moment. What if zombies or skeletons popped out? Wouldn't it scare them off the mountain?

However, at that moment, the swamp pond was already spawning countless Swamp Fire Toads. If one fell from the mountain into the swamp pond, it would certainly be a death sentence!

They had to tread carefully!

"Big Brother No-dancing, you're being overly cautious. What kind of traps could there be on this shitty mountain? The abundance of graves makes climbing much easier!"

"Indeed, when tired, you can rest on top of the tombs. This is the easiest mountain I've ever climbed!"