Chapter 786 Hidden Space

"Damn it, Overturning Water bro, you better not think about taking this Herbal Essence for your own use—the quest didn't say anything about making the seedlings grow faster!"

Banana hurriedly snatched the Herbal Essence from Su Ran's hands, stuffed them into his pack, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's got you so worked up?"

With a mix of amusement and annoyance, Su Ran said, "I'm just making a guess, and you're scared stiff. If we really needed it, wouldn't it just kill you to part with it?"

"Let's go, let's go, let's change the subject, bro. Hurry up and help me farm more Herbal Essence~!"

Banana urged Su Ran to make haste toward the mysterious forest; his heart was already there.

"Let's get one thing straight first. Any Herbal Essence we get from this should be split half and half. If we end up not needing it for the quest, I'll give back what I've taken."

Su Ran laid down the terms upfront to avoid any further disagreements.