However, he couldn't act now, because as the main signal for the ambush, he had to wait for Baiyue's gunshot to begin firing. Baiyue would prioritize high-value targets, so her gunshot served as the attack signal for the advance team.

Baiyue was ambushed in a treehouse built in the trees. It had the advantage of a high vantage point and an open view, making it suitable for sniping. The only downside was there was no escape route when under attack.

Knowing this, Baiyue made some preparations. Not only did she cover herself with a ghillie suit made from leaves, but she also attached a silencer to her sniper rifle. Her shots could be almost ignored in the heat of battle, effectively concealing her presence.

However, as a sniper, she had to prioritize high-value targets, and this could potentially reveal her position with the first gunshot.