Chapter 1272: Nothing to Rely On

In the blink of an eye, the advantages Luo'er and others relied on vanished without a trace; the Helrandum had crashed, and the remaining four airships lacking combat capability fled westward in panic. Although the Dongsheng army ultimately chose to retreat, Luo'er and his team suffered heavy losses.

Most importantly, with the crash of the Helrandum, they had lost their only means of returning to the West Continent. At this point, they had completely become a lone army and had to rely on Abisien, a situation of equal footing that was no longer recoverable.

The Dongsheng army retreated—it seemed somewhat chaotic, but it was still orderly, with alternating armies covering each other as they withdrew, leaving no opportunity for the Demon Clan coalition to pursue.

This retreat was complete; the Dongsheng army abandoned their plan to surround Lingyuan City and began a massive withdrawal.