Chapter 16 Twin Blades (Part 1)

Another five minutes passed and there was still no movement in the room. Lin Weiguo could no longer hold back and was the first to advance.

Tang Zheng was still somewhat uneasy, but he couldn't let Lin take the risk alone. So he immediately followed, with two flight attendants eyeing each other vigilantly and trailing close behind. They thought Tang Zheng was being overly suspicious; could zombies actually know ambush tactics?

As Lin Weiguo just stepped into the room, a dark figure swooped down from the ceiling accompanied by a unique guttural growl unique to the zombies. At that moment, he broke out in a cold sweat, and without turning back to resist, he lunged forward with all his might, yet still a beat too slow.

Tang Zheng, watching from behind, saw things very clearly. The mutant Hunter Zombie, all red, swooped down like lightning. First, it pressed its decaying hands onto Lin Weiguo's back, then using its body weight and downward momentum, it smashed him to the ground.