Chapter 25: The End of Punishment Time

"Quickly clean up the battlefield, collect weapons and ammunition, then take the elevator to the second floor and hide." Tang Zheng quickly gave his instructions and walked into the living room, he wanted to know who had died.

This time, no one disobeyed his orders. Everyone got to work, tidying up the battlefield efficiently. However, a dispute arose between Zhao Jingye and the bald man over a bag of grenades. It ended with Zhao Jingye being punched in the face, losing half a tooth and spitting out bloody saliva.

"What are you doing?" Xu Lu quickly went to help Zhao Jingye, while Qin Yan stopped the bald man from further violence.

"Hmph, trash." The bald man spat and then turned around to pick up the MG42 machine gun on the ground. Once he verified that it wasn't damaged, he looked pleased.

"Who died?" Li Xinlan hurried over, intending to enter the room, but Qin Yan stopped her.