Chapter 30 Ice Age

Li Xinlan activated the golden seed she had found at midnight on the fifth day and fell into a deep sleep. Twelve hours had passed since then. Tang Zheng hadn't gone out to 'hunt zombies', but stayed outside Xinlan's room, just in case.

There were seven or eight A4 papers covered with various diagrams and text on the tea table in front of Tang Zheng. He was pouting and carefully thinking by it. Even though there hadn't been immediate danger over the last two days, he refused to let his guard down, instead, he cracked his brain trying to prepare an escape plan.

"Silver Trojan wouldn't let us pass the remaining nine days that easily." Tang Zheng had no more desire to see anyone else dying. "We have enough food, but we need to prepare plenty of weapons and ammunition too. We must come up with a safe and quick way to kill those police zombies."