Chapter 36: Exemption and Fall (Part 1)

On the ninth day, Tang Zheng and three others continued to use trap method to kill zombies. The rest of them were idle, busying themselves with one thing or another. Occasionally, they would come to the lobby to check over, stay for a while, then leave out of boredom, going back to stroll around the hotel suites.

Zhao Jingye, the bald man, and the maintenance worker were still happily searching for valuables, while Pang Meiqin and Cheng Chen went to the luxurious gym to experience some equipment they normally wouldn't have access to. As for Kang Songde, he went into the gym under the excuse of exercising himself, but quickly ran out with a black eye ring, having obviously been beaten.

With no zombies disturbing them in the hotel, everyone felt more at ease and emboldened. The stewardesses in particular were having a wild time and even showed up in the lobby in swimsuits in the afternoon.