Chapter 4: High Altitude Fall (Part 2)

"It's no wonder they'd die, there's no medication on the isolated island. A mere headache could be fatal, let alone something as serious as a severed arm." Someone in the crowd shouted angrily, only to be met with derision from the general.

"Therefore, you must fight ruthlessly to leave the small island as soon as possible. The fastest survival record from the previous ten games is twenty-five hours. I hope you can beat it." The General recognized a few familiar faces in the crowd. He waved at them, but no one responded. They weren't stupid, they wouldn't risk exposing themselves in this situation.

"What are we supposed to fight with? Hand-to-hand combat? That would put us women at a disadvantage." A young woman wearing a suit, office lady uniforms, white high heels, and black stockings, shouted her dissatisfaction with these harsh conditions, "This is unfair to women."