Chapter 23 Strong Power

Tang Zheng and the man in casual wear were chasing each other at breakneck speed through the dense forest. In less than five minutes, they had sprinted nearly two kilometers. During this course, three triangles had appeared on the radar. Two of them tried to chase them down but were quickly shrugged off.

"Men of the 22nd century sure can run." Panting, Tang Zheng thought to himself. If it weren't for his enhanced stamina, this distance alone would have been enough to drain him. However, he had underestimated his opponent, as the man in casual wear was also panting like a dog, cursing Tang Zheng who maintained a hundred meter distance from him.

"Damn it, doesn't this guy ever get tired?" The man in casual wear cursed, having no strength left to dodge the tree branches that blocked his path. He just rushed through, shielding his head. The positions of the two men were now switched.