Chapter 48: Forceful Intrusion (Third update, 10,000 words)

"Brother Lin, I'm sorry for upsetting you." Pang Meiqin's face was filled with regret. She placed her hands over her lower abdomen and bowed slightly. At this moment, the composure she developed as an air hostess was finally glaring, unlike the arrogant clown she once was.

"Never mind, I don't care. Just go apologize to Zhang Yan. We're all in this together, so there's no real hierarchy. What gives you the right to demand a shoulder massage from her?" Lin Weiguo dismissed her with a wave of his hand and pointed at Zhang Yan. His straightforward values made him loathe the presence of people like Pang Meiqin.

"Zhang Yan, I'm sorry." Pang Meiqin said emotionlessly, but in her heart, she was cursing Lin Weiguo. Apologizing to Zhang Yan at Tang Zheng's sake was humiliating enough, but to make amends with this dull girl was infuriating. However, she didn't dare retaliate.