Chapter 56: Trust Tang Zheng, There's Meat to Eat

Li Xinlan and the others had been about to persuade Tang Zheng again when the Silver Trojan dropped another heavy bomb for them.

"Would you like to raise the stakes? If you're willing to add another one of your heads to the pot, I can give you immunity from one round of the game!"

Upon hearing this bet, Yin Shangwu's eyes lit up. She scanned the group and eventually landed on Pang Meiqin. Sacrificing her seemed the least troublesome as she had the weakest connection to Tang Zheng. With that thought, Yin Shangwu paused then her face clouded over. "Since when have I cared about the opinion of a newbie toy? Could I actually be a little scared of him?"

Yin Shangwu snorted, unwilling to admit that conclusion.

"Trading one head for an extra round's immunity, do you think we're idiots?" Pang Meiqin scoffed. "What's the difference if our death comes sooner or later? Just another couple of days off!"