Chapter 9 All these yen are mine!

Even though Tang Zheng had given them a stern lecture, the newbies didn't think about leaving. Or more accurately, they didn't dare to think about it. Without their passports, money, or knowledge of Japanese, and with aliens lurking around every corner, their feeble pride didn't count for much. Their survival was far more important. After acknowledging this painful reality, they shrink back into docility.

"We'll deal with this brat when we get back to base," even three fierce poachers could only console themselves in this way.

Tang Zheng glanced at the newbies, noticing them avoid his gaze and inwardly cursed them for being spineless, except for the fat man and the towering figure who responded with a nod, displaying some level of composure.

"How long do you plan to rest? Get up, we still have a long way to go." Just five minutes in, Tang Zheng was already rousing them back to action.