Chapter 31: Night Raid

At these words, Tie Ying's eyes lit up. He fixed his gaze on Tang Zheng, puffing out his chest in a challenging manner. An overwhelming spirit of battle emitted from his body. His tall and stalwart figure, coupled with his dark and resolute face, made him seem like a war chariot running at full power.

Tang Zheng furrowed his eyebrows, not understanding where this targeted provocation was arising from. It seemed that the fat man's bodyguard had wanted to challenge him for a while now.

"What's the matter? Afraid to fight?" Liu Nai crossed her arms and rested them on the staircase handrail. Bending over, she looked down from her superior position at everyone in the living room, "You've been eating and living at my expense, and even deceived me about the presence of an alien. I've put up with all that. Can't you fulfill this small request of mine?"