Chapter 34 Intruding the Martial Arts School

Looking at the dojo before them, larger than a basketball court and adorned with a wooden sign reading 'Kendo Club', Bai Guo and Zhang Yifeng exchanged puzzled glances at the echoing calls of practice and clashing bamboo swords. They didn't understand what Liu Nai had in mind.

Uesugi Runa opened the traditional wooden gate and stepped into the Kendo Club. She removed her shoes at the entrance, stepping barefoot onto the cold floor. Club members who saw her greeted her respectfully – not because of her status as a lady of prominence, but because of her exceptional kendo skills.

"I believe I never told you about my 4th Dan Rank," said Liu Nai, looking back proudly. "If it weren't for age restrictions, I could have achieved a higher rank."