Chapter 56: Erasure and Evaluation

After a bloody struggle, when they were once again teleported back to the room and saw the four pale white walls, Tang Zheng suddenly felt a sense of familiarity. Zhang Hao was singing and dancing on the side, cheering enthusiastically, completely oblivious to others' disdain. Indeed, being able to survive was enough for him to be happy.

"Uncle, we're back." Lu Fan sprinted into Tang Zheng's embrace, hugging him cheerfully.

"We all become the conquerors this time, right? I wonder if there's any extra reward," Pang Meiqin's eyes were filled with expectancy. Tensely, she said, "I guess my score must be in the thousands this time, right?"

"Silver Trojan, all are present. Start the scoring, I can't wait to go home." Zhang Hao dashed to the side of the black cube in the center of the room, clapping it, impatient to leave and enjoy life after surviving calamity.